The expedition (Game duration 75 minutes)
Fury team: Monika Gornishka, Venelin Gornishki, Ivan Vladimirov and Nadezhda Danabasheva
Date: May 8, 2022
Our time: 42:00 minutes
Room number NINE on May 8, 2022, the ninth and last, what a day indeed. Mazze Room’s “Expedition” required us to travel 400 kilometers, but it was 100% worth it. A new record for FURY for the number of rooms played in a day, and congratulations to Burgas for the beautiful room they can enjoy!

Escape Rooms Mazze about us:
Great day! I think we made friends today. Team Fury were our guests, showed spirit, teamwork, logic, quick thinking, and all of this – just in place. Thank you Nadezhda ‘Xepa’ Danabasheva for the respect and for crossing Bulgaria for us! See you soon!