Paranormal Activity (Game duration 60 minutes)
Fury team: Velina Tomova, Hristo Tomov, Anton Konduzov, Vanya Stoitseva and Bistra-Dona Konduzova
Fury time: 50:00 minutes
Date: January 28, 2024
Me: Vanya, say two words about the room!
Vanya: Two words – complete disaster. With more words – if there is euthanasia for fatally wounded animals, there should be euthanasia for escape rooms. Somehow, they should allow it to die gracefully, to be remembered as either good or bad. So far, I haven’t been in a more horrible room, not horrible in the sense of scary, but abused. One of the pluses of this paranormal experience was that after it, LOTR from AliExpress* felt like almost a luxurious adventure. Which is hard to believe, considering everything in the room and its game master.
* LOTR from AliExpress is the room at Locked In – Lord Of The Rings – The Journey – Ed. Note”
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