Puzzle Escape – The Police Station

The Police Station (Game duration 60 minutes)

Fury team: Georgi GeorgievJordan DanchevVasil JoskovDimitar SmilyanovNadezhda Danabasheva

Date: June 10, 2015

Our time: 28:00 minutes (room record at the time of the visit)

Fury, the best and luckiest bastards ever!
We literally blow up this room. We managed to get out by skipping half of the puzzles. We were fortunate, but the room wasn’t tested enough, and if something is not forbidden, then it is allowed. In our case, to take the batteries from the air conditioning remote and use them in the game instead of finding those who were hidden later in the game. The lobby is very poor, but the game master who welcomed us was very attractive; my boys just wanted to escape faster and get out and talk to her 😀 That has to be the reason we escaped in less than half an hour. Communication was via walkie-talkies (you know, it’s NOT a part of the game; you don’t have to remove the batteries), which is always a bad idea.

Puzzle Escape rooms are now closed

Puzzle Escape about us:

A brilliant minds, incredible team play and a lot of luck allowed the Fury team to set a killer new record!