Escape the Schmitz

Escape the Schmitz (Game duration 60 minutes)

Fury team: Dimitar SmilyanovHristo Tomov and Nadezhda Danabasheva

Date: October 21, 2020

Our time: 5Х:00 minutes (I don’t remember for how long we were there, honestly; we had a few minutes left, but we were so excited that I didn’t remember)

I’ll start this review with the following:

Escape from Schmitz is not a classic escape room. When I learned about its existence, I was skeptical. A “mobile” room. No website. Not many test teams have gone through it. Created in a few months. All the red flags in my head were flashing, but being true enthusiasts; there was no way we wouldn’t check for ourselves what was going on.

After making an appointment for where and when to show up, I parked on an isolated road in Druzhba. We had dozens of speculations with Hristo and Dimitar, the only ones brave enough to test it with me during a pandemic. Fortunately, we were about to have a challenging and entertaining hour, and all our speculations about positive scenarios turned out to be true.

Escape from Schmitz will take you back to the recent history of Bulgaria, involving State Security, smuggling, and a team of ragtag individuals who must escape from a truck, where they are hiding before the truck crosses the border with Syria. Yes, a truck. Yes, the room is in a truck, a large truck. To start the game, they hand you a ladder 🤣 Great!

Without giving away what happens, I’ll tell you what the guys commented in the first 7 minutes: “Look, look what’s here” and “Oh boy, this is so cool.” I didn’t expect to find myself with the guys in a truck, hidden behind the last thing you expect to find in a truck, holding a flashlight and a rag in hand. That’s all I can share.

There are enough puzzles, and some of them involve padlocks, which didn’t bother us for a moment. They fit well into the story and the dynamics of the room. Physical puzzles, logical puzzles, and psychological puzzles (the latter we created ourselves).

In conclusion, I can say that I regret falling into the stereotype of “judging by appearances.” Escape from Schmitz is pure joy. We needed this.

P.S. I strongly recommend playing in the evening; the price is more than affordable and justified.

P.P.S. To our host, thank you warmly for the welcome and the kind words ♥️

Our photo: 🚛 🚙 🚀