The cube (Game duration 20 minutes)
Fury team: Venelin Gornishki, Monika Gornishka, Hristo Tomov, Lilyana Boneva and Nadezhda Danabasheva
Date: October 7, 2023
Our time: 19:48 minutes
World Escape Room Championship, for the second time!
Over the past 10 years, Poland has been hosting the World Escape Room Championship, organized by Lock me. Initially, the concept started as the Polish Championship and later evolved into a World Championship, as participants from all countries could compete for the title. The competition consists of online qualifications and a point-and-click game, with the top 10 teams being invited to Poland for the finals.
Fury, being quite busy, missed the qualifications. To our delight, this year, they allowed an audience of 100 people, among whom we were included.
Throughout the day, as the finals were underway, there were games among the audience, through which one could win the opportunity to play one of the two final ‘rooms’. Venky was our MVP and won enough tickets for us to play one of the rooms, and for the second one, The Globe, they allowed us to wait until the end of the evening to play (which was very kind).
In this post, we talk about The Cube or the first challenge for the teams. Each team had 20 minutes to solve it, and no one managed to do so within the time limit. We must admit that we observed parts of other teams’ gameplay and had a vague idea about some of the puzzles. In the evening, all who won the opportunity tried to crack the cube. The puzzles were complex, really complex, befitting a World Championship, so it’s no surprise that none of the 10 finalists succeeded. Only we managed to do it in under 20 minutes. On the logical parts, Hristo and Vensky just exploded 🙇🏻
It’s not much, but it’s honest work.
Riddler Sukiyaki from Japan 🇯🇵 won the 2023 championship by finishing the second challenge, The Globe, in 15 minutes.
Our photo 🕋🧩🧮