Inside Rooms – X-Mutants United

X-Mutants United (Game duration 60 minutes)

Fury team: Dimitar SmilyanovVanya StoitsevaAlla Danabasheva and Nadezhda Danabasheva

Fury time: 85:34 minutes

Mury team: Miro Kertov, Albena Kertova, Anton Konduzov, Velina Tomova and Hristo Tomov

Mury time: 87:07minutes

Date: November 28, 2021

Update 2024!

Fury team : Lilyana BonevaVenelin GornishkiMonika Gornishka

Fury time: 61:30 minutes

Date: January 26, 2024

I didn’t write about this room earlier because it frustrated me terribly. Not because it’s stupid but because it wasn’t working, and the operator had to enter twice to “check something.” That’s the end of the game for me. If we talk about content and decor, the room is ambitious. The theme is interesting; you get superpowers and have to use them, and there are high-tech elements. On the other hand, there are oversights, like leaving the door of the safe open and then distorting it with a heavy ladder that conveniently descends right over the open door. Such things throw me off balance.

The fact that we recommended the room to “colleagues” who came to play in Bucharest for the first time is significant. We believed that our experience with this room was an exception. It turned out to be the case – now the game works fine, and the owners have adjusted to Mon’s happy belly, for which I am grateful. The puzzles worked well, the safe and the metal column are in place, as well as the interesting puzzles. So, I’ll reconcile with the fact that there is no perfect happiness. Check it out; the room is good.

Our photo 🦸‍♂️🧬👨‍🔬