Galactic Puzzle Hunt (organized by ✈️✈️✈️ Galactic Trendsetters ✈️✈️✈️)
When: It may vary each year, and it is often chosen to reference the mathematical constant π
For how long: ~ 10 days
How: Online
History and rules: When the Galactic Trendsetters team finished the MIT Mystery Hunt in 2017 a day early, we assume they were bored and decided to start creating puzzles. Since then, it has snowballed, and they keep making what is now an annual Galactic Puzzle Hunt (apart from 2021, when they had to go back to their roots and create the MIT hunt again as winners).
How to Participate: Register an account and team on the official site and… wait.

This is a puzzle hunt format, which Furious Acorns appreciates very much. We have many software engineers and tech people on the team, and we immensely enjoy GPH because of its interactivity (such as clickable games, multiplayer, etc.), tech-oriented nature, math-related elements, and logical puzzles (rather than classical word puzzles).
Furious Acorns team through the years: Lilly Boneva, Martin Kanovsky (Kando), Jordan Danchev, Venelin Gornishki, Monika Gornishka, Dimitar Smilyanov, Velina Tomova, Hristo Tomov, Anton Konduzov, Vanya Stoitseva and Nadezhda Danabasheva

Our pride and joy: For the first time, we managed to finish the whole hunt 100% in time, and we received this awesome card to prove it. Kudos to the Galactic Trendsetters team for being brave and experimenting a lot with the card format; it was fun 👏
Link to the hunt: CLICK HERE
Link to our solution sheets (CONTAINS SPOILERS): CLICK HERE
Puzzle solved: 39 (of 39) or 100%
Ranking (from teams with 1+ Puzzles solved): 203 of 768 (26th percentile)


Link to the hunt: CLICK HERE
Link to our solution sheets (CONTAINS SPOILERS): CLICK HERE
Puzzle solved: 12 (of 43) or 28%
Ranking (from teams with 1+ Puzzles solved): 279 of 682 (41th percentile)

Link to the hunt: CLICK HERE
Link to our solution sheets (CONTAINS SPOILERS): CLICK HERE
Puzzle solved: 11 (of 42) or 26%
Ranking (from teams with 1+ Puzzles solved): 274 of 623 (44th percentile)

Link to the hunt: CLICK HERE
Link to our solution sheets (CONTAINS SPOILERS): CLICK HERE
Puzzle solved: 2 (of 42) or 5%
Ranking (from teams with 1+ Puzzles solved): 426 of 505 (84th percentile)

Link to the hunt: CLICK HERE
Furious Acorns team did not participate in that edition of the puzzle hunt.

Link to the hunt: CLICK HERE
Furious Acorns team did not participate in that edition of the puzzle hunt.