Timescape -The Lost Tiki


The Lost Tiki (Game duration 60 minutes)

Fury team: Ivan Vladimirov, Nush Krasteva and Nadezhda Danabasheva

Date: October 15, 2023

Our time: 40:00 minutes

Here again, Timescape maintains the tradition we’ve noticed: they play to their strengths and minimize the impact of their weaknesses. Right from the entrance, we find ourselves in a room where, as soon as I understand what we need to do, I clap my hands in delight because it’s a favorite of mine. I won’t say what it is; we’ve done it at other places, too, but it’s always fun. Logical puzzles follow, true to the Tiki and Polynesia theme, mainly made of wood and natural materials. The room is not difficult, and they share with us that in the future, they plan to add a few more puzzles, which would make it completely to our taste to spend a productive hour locked up. In its current state, it’s more suited for teams who are just learning what escape rooms are, which is, ultimately, the right decision.

Our photo 🗿🧉🏝️
Timescape photo