The Doctor’s Office (Game duration 60 minutes)
Fury team: Andrey Zanev, Georgi Georgiev, Jordan Danchev, Vasil Joskov, Dimitar Smilyanov, Nadezhda Danabasheva
Date: October 14, 2015
Our time: 53:00 minutes
We are posing for a photo. One of the group asks what this touching his behind is. Andrey comments: Not a syringe โฆ
And this put an end to our visit to Dr. Petkov and his Doctor’s Office at Puzzle Escape. We were able to uncover the secret in 53 minutes. I would say a pretty lousy score for our team. The office has some interesting mechanics and puzzles, which in the end, made escaping harder for us, which is always a good thing from our perspective ๐
Thanks to the doctor for the visit. We are moving on!
Puzzle Escape rooms are now closed
Puzzle Escape about us:
Fury made a mess in the Doctor’s office! They again showed us what a great team they are and in just 53 minutes revealed the secret of Dr. Petkov!