The Maze

The Maze (Game duration 60 minutes)

Fury team: Georgi GeorgievJordan DanchevVasil JoskovDimitar SmilyanovNadezhda Danabasheva

Date: June 11, 2016

Our time: 51:52 minutes

Saturday, we decided to experiment and reserve a spot at 10.00 am. It’s not a good decision; none of us is an early bird, and we need at least 13 coffees when we head to The Maze – Maze Entertainment.
They welcome us and are so polite and friendly, but look a bit worried. It’s ok. We are a threatening group of nerds.
Everything is going smoothly until Asen appears (we call him that way), and my adrenaline starts rising because he is big and a bit scary and gives me a mask to cover my eyes.
The exceptional advantage of this establishment is the space. And many puzzles, small and big, connected or linear, mechanical, logical, and visual. We were slow here, we managed to skip a few steps there, but most importantly we realized that none of us knew how to operate a crank (Jordan professionally commented that the crank is not rotating “left and right”, but the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation are the correct terms), but in general, we had a lot of fun and discovered the old librarian’s secret in 52 minutes ๐Ÿ™‚ And the last puzzle in the crate at the end of the room – well, I didn’t get it, but maybe it’s just me ๐Ÿ˜‰ We didn’t set a record, but we are convinced that at the upcoming tournament someone will escape in 40 minutes or less.
To our hosts, thank you, I’m sorry we didn’t have time to talk more, and I am sorry is we gave you unasked advice, it’s just who we are.
You are wonderful!

The Maze about us:

We needed 5 days to come to our senses after the brilliant play and unbreakable calm of Nadezhda ‘Xepa Danabasheva and her teammates. Even “Asen” manages to disturb them for just a second and …

And a post in their blog about our visit. How cool is that ๐Ÿ™‚