The quest
If I go back 4 years and look at the period with Covid, do you know what bothered me the most, now viewed through the prism of time? It’s not staying at home, not the fear of getting sick, not the tedious wiping of all purchases items from the store and going out the door and after 10 steps realizing, OH, THE GODDAM MASK and turn around. I missed the games. This is what bothered me the most.
Ludo, ergo sum!
Post-Covid, things slowly started moving, but honestly, a year after the end of the epidemic, I thought we would never return and have new games and new formats. And here comes today, my wings are sprouting because something new is constantly happening, new games, new challenges, better ones, with more investment, with more experience, with more care. And because it’s easier to share when we are dissatisfied than when we are satisfied, these days I’m trying to break the mold and share things that make me happy, that take me out of everyday life, that make me be myself.
So, stopping wasting more time deep in my thoughts, a month ago, we played THE QUEST by King’s Rooms – Real Life Escape Rooms. I waited for them to announce a second date and tell you that if you’ve ever thought how cool it would be to go play a city quest but you never found the time or opportunity, this is the moment, now.
If you still don’t know what a city quest is, it’s a competitive game, you compete with other teams (we competed with about 20). You need to have a car.
At the starting location, you receive a puzzle that you have to solve, and the solution will take you to a place (in Sofia, the game has certain geographical boundaries, and you are warned that, for example, Lyulin and Obelya are not on your map). When you reach the designated location, you have the next challenge or puzzle, and so on… a few times.
I won’t spoil a word about The Quest, whether along the way you might have to catch a chicken or lift 100 barbell, or talk to the Oracle in Klingon? Maybe. The only way to find out is to sign up and burst into laughter. The puzzles were of medium difficulty for us; we’ve solved much more twisted problems, but they’re not at the level of a fifth-grader. On the other hand, the characters you will encounter and the dialogues you will have to lead are absolutely first-class, and if for a moment you step out of the competitive nature of the event and just try to assess the atmosphere you are in, you will have stories to tell your grandchildren.
In the video accompanying this post, it’s me. I sing loudly in the parking lot of Bauhaus at 6 PM. Let’s say that I met bewildered looks, approval, and disapproval at the choice of the song (it just pops into my head at first glance), and I made some money while the team solved the first puzzle. Why? Because I can’t lift 100 barbell…
Oh, yes, we won. First. In the first edition 😇
P.S. I promised myself I would write shorter posts. WHEN, NADIA, WHEN?!”