The Experiment (Game duration 60 minutes)
Fury team: Georgi Georgiev, Jordan Danchev, Vasil Joskov, Dimitar Smilyanov, Nadezhda Danabasheva
Date: July 1, 2016
Our time: 54:01 minutes
I’m gonna tell you this only once. You have to play this room SLOWLY!
I don’t think there is a room that has surprised me that much. Maybe it’s because I’ve heard nothing about Escape room ENIGMANIA – The Experiment so far, so surprisingly, they popped into our schedule, and Fury decided to take a walk. I expected that I would visit something average. Let’s face it: I, the person who follows all rumors and news about escape rooms like a hunting dog, have never heard of this room. I have never been more wrong in my life.
You have to play slowly. Here, you will not simply solve a few puzzles and escape; here, you will receive a full experience that starts from the entrance and the door (Room 66, you will appreciate it very much, I’m sure) that continues during the briefing, directly inject adrenaline in your brain when the game starts and so on until the end until you swallow the antidote. Great performance, magnificent interior as in Dextrophobia Rooms, stunning details, and style as in 3 Key Room; the whole atmosphere just swallows you whole. With very little help on the puzzle sequence and what is revealed when we escaped in 54 minutes.
Game masters’ (and owners’) Oscar-worthy performance, my mind was blown. It has been a truly unique pleasure for us to be the first team in this “room.” your hearts are in the right places, and definitely, your experience with rooms abroad and your professionalism has helped to create something impressive and interesting.
A MANDATORY stop for every fan of escape games! Escape Sofia now has a new, bright star;)
I am very happy we came, we even received a first-team gift, that’s so awesome!
Enigmania about us:
FURY Team – 01.07.2016
The experiment was successful.