The Witch’s Forest (Game duration 90 minutes)
Fury team: Martina Marinova, Ivan Vladimirov, Vanya Stoitseva, Hristo Tomov, Velina Tomova, and Nadezhda Danabasheva
Date: November 29, 2020
Our time: 87:00 minutes
With the upcoming TERPECA awards, I’m exploring the nominated rooms and decided to start with “The Witch’s Forest” – a tale about the magical forest where the witch Helga lives. Upon returning home, she discovers that humans have polluted the forest and played tricks. In the role of forest spirits, we must help her restore order and get revenge on the vandals. The room has been adapted for online play, and it shows. The lack of inventory and the constant clicking between tabs and the camera to compare information from pictures and reality bothered me. Some of the puzzles confused and tripped us. In the end, we managed to help and send nightmares of monsters to all the humans. I’m not sure if we earned points. Alas, this won’t be my choice for the winner of the Best Online Escape Room of 2020, but it was a way to stimulate our brains on a Saturday night.