Infinity Escape – Iron Throne

Iron Throne (Game duration 60 minutes)

Fury team: Georgi Georgiev, Venelin Gornishki, Dimitar Smilyanov, Ivan Minchev and Nadezhda Danabasheva

Date: August 12, 2019

Our time: 84:00 minutes

UPDATE (October 21, 2023)

I write these words 4 years after we played this game. Over time, I lost the desire to write reviews, and this was one of the last rooms whose page remained in ‘draft’ for 4 years. It took a new platform, the survival of the Covid pandemic, a few more personal things, and replaying the room to get to this day and publish this text. 

The first version of this game had flaws, I won’t hide it. After we played it, we gave critical feedback; the puzzles, though masterpieces themselves, had no connection to each other. The room lacked … coherence. You solve a puzzle, get something, move to the next puzzle, get an item after solving it, and so on. The attention to detail was there in the creation of the puzzles themselves, but the setting and rooms didn’t help you to feel emmerced or to dive into this world. The last puzzle was frustrating, I was ready to leave 10 minutes before solving it. Instead of ending with a cheer, the game ended with ‘HOW DO WE ASSEMBLE THIS, I CAN’T ANYMORE, GIVE ME THE 36th JOKER’. If a game makes you feel stupid, it’s not good.

We fast-forward a few months to when we went to test the next room at Infinity, ‘Muggle.’ They offered us to replay ‘The Iron Throne,’ which had been remodeled and improved. Of course, we agreed. And… this room had nothing in common with what we had played in 2019. The gameplay is connected and logical. The room now had a sky, for heaven’s sake! The setting literally threw you into Westeros, and all that was missing was Daenerys waving her blonde locks. The last puzzle had been reworked, and, let me not mislead you, it was still difficult but not annoying. The feeling when you defeat it is one of satisfaction, not just ‘it’s over.’ 

I would recommend this room to more advanced teams; if you are new to the games, start with Infiniti’s next room ‘Muggle‘ or ‘The Secret Chamber,’ but then definitely go back and play ‘The Throne,’ the game is definitely at a high level. And something that has become increasingly important to me in rating a game in recent months: everything is maintained, works, and there’s no feeling of wear and tear. Kudos for the good work, and keep it up!

Infinity Escape about us:

They came…! They played…! They conquered the Throne! For us, it was a pleasure to welcome them, and enjoy their game; we hope they feel the same way :)))
“Fury” were real furies!
Thank you, and see you soon! 🙂