Last Contact (Game duration 90 minutes)
Fury team: Lilyana Boneva, Dimitar Smilyanov and Nadezhda Danabasheva
Date: November 19, 2023
Our time: 45:00 minutes
To start with, I’ll mention that the room is free, which is always good news. It’s ‘built’ on the MiBo platform, which gained popularity during the pandemic and definitely provides the tools to create such a project. We are a team of scientists in space, getting ourselves into trouble and trying to Google solutions. The entire project is designed to draw public attention to the fact that scientific research should be accessible to everyone, free, and easily findable, and understandable. There’s quite a bit of humor in the scenario, and it’s definitely worth the time investment and a few friends to wander around a spaceship and mess with artifacts of alien civilizations…