Sintagra – Missing Scientist Letter and Serial Killer Trap

Missing Scientist Letter (Games duration 60 minutes each)
Serial Killer Trap

Fury team: Georgi GeorgievJordan DanchevVasil JoskovDimitar SmilyanovNadezhda Danabasheva

Date: June 6, 2016

Our time:

Missing Scientist Letter“ – 15:40 minutes

Serial Killer Trap“ – 44:50 minutes

There are rooms that I share and write extensively about. Sometimes with admiration, sometimes with advice.
Today it’s a little bit different. I will tell you nothing about Sintarga. Those were our 59th and 60th escape rooms, and there are at least 50 rooms you need to visit before you get to those two.
Fury – we came, we escaped, we are moving on.

Sintagra about us:

In both Sintagra rooms, Fury performed wonderfully: it took them an incredible 15.15 minutes to track down the missing scientist and only 44 minutes to get out of the serial killer trap! The team was organized, fast and greatly coordinated, with perfect observation and energy. Good job!