Room 66 II (Game duration 66 minutes)
Fury team: Georgi Georgiev, Jordan Danchev, Vasil Joskov, Dimitar Smilyanov
Date: November 3, 2016
Our time: 40:33 minutes
We almost shit our pants.
This was the general opinion of the Fury boys (because the girls didn’t play, for the reasons – read below).
We already played the predecessor of this room, but Room 66 definitely left its mark on Insomnia and did a wonderful job. The interior is much more adequate to the story, definitely more sinister and less cluttered. The story was simplified, and the puzzles that were interesting but didn’t add to it are now gone. Much clearer gameplay. Certainly, the room is easier to play now, but this is ONLY if you ignore certain factors that you can only learn about if you visit Room 66 II (the name IMHO needed more work, with all the attention given to the room and the game, the name decision looks kind of rushed). The boys shared a few things: “Very cool”, “The real horror room of Sofia”, “Mega interesting, as long as you don’t fill your pants”.
And where was I? I didn’t play the room for one reason. I can’t stand jump scares. My adrenaline is rising, but not in a pleasant way. I’m nervous; if you ever want to make me angry and start yelling, you can scare me, and the goal will be reached. Accordingly, I decided that I didn’t want to do this to myself and the team, but I would be happy to watch. I laughed with my hands over my mouth so the guys wouldn’t hear me when they stayed with their backs to the wall for at least a few minutes at the beginning of the game, but it’s easy for me to comment now if that was me they wouldn’t be able to peel me off the wall for at least an hour.
First of all, to watch the game master leading the game is like watching a virtuoso conductor. He followed every word, at precisely certain moments, at the right psychological moments, triggered effects, got up, sat down, operated some devices, laughed at the nonsense of the team, changed headsets, muttered under his breath, “this didn’t go off”, “uh I was late”. “Behind the scenes” is a very sophisticated orchestrated experience, but now I understand why this room is so … um … emotional every second someone thinks about how to make you jump. I can say that this room not only relies on visual or gaming entertainment but also relies on feeding your fears, awakening the darkest corners of your mind, and making you feel alive.
For horror lovers, perhaps the only place in Sofia where you can really enjoy the horror. I can’t write about you-know-what (those of you who have already played), but I will say that one of the strongest elements of the room stays hidden in people’s eyes. However, it is magnificent. And when the second door opened, I was sure that one of the boys would run away screaming 😀
When asked if you’ve played Insomnia, you’ll love Room 66 II – we think yes. The escape from the room has to happen traditionally for 66 minutes. The room definitely has a different feeling, and even if some of the old puzzles are preserved and seem familiar, the room brings a new sensation, and it is usually expressed by warmth around behind.

Room 66 II about us:
Who doesn’t know the Fury team,
who hasn’t heard of them?!
Only escape games newbies
or people in love with themselves 🙂
Well, we’ll tell you more –
this is the team,
who will kick mysteries butt
and is made from TRUE people!
They stopped visit us
and with persistence, just like that,
our puzzles were solved
without breaking a sweat.
But let us tell you, guys,
you have the right chord
and you are a great gang,
but without Nadia, there is no record 😉